NYC Mayor’s Office of Sustainability
Cities, like NYC, are acting individually and collectively to deliver on smart, inclusive climate policy and programs. Our daily actions are more important than ever before to ensure we thrive and we avoid catastrophic climate change. Part of our success lies in increasing New Yorkers’ engagement in these efforts through the City’s public education program, GreeNYC. As part of the GreeNYC communications program, we designed an anthemic video package with multiple social media videos that highlighted the local work underway and the City’s commitment.
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Friday is #biketowork day. When you ride your bike to work, you can enjoy bike light giveaways and free snacks at commuter stations on the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, Williamsburg Bridge, Queensboro Bridge, Staten Island Ferry, UWS Hudson Greenway and more.
Plastic bags end up everywhere—our water, our streets, even our trees. Take the Bring Your Own pledge to get your own stylish reusable bag for free. It will only go where you bring it.
Shrink your waste and grow your wallet by choosing reusable bottles over plastic ones—tap water is clean, healthy, and cheap. And if you take the Bring Your Own pledge, you can get a bottle for free.
Most New Yorkers get by without cars, but those who do drive can cut costs and emissions by riding electric—the new charging ports being installed every day make it easier than ever.